Zorro, Skylar isn't hosting the server, he only posted the server info here so you can join the server. Big thanks to him for doing that, but all suggestions should be reported at me so I can ask the scripter (Sithis) if he can create this, plus it's possible he doesn't have much time. He made this server as a favor, therefore he has no obligations to us whatsoever.
Second, clanrecruiters are useless, since the leaders make the decisions who will be accepted or not. Every member can make recommendations. If you find a skilled player, give him the link to this forum to apply and then we will test him.
Third, this also counts for co-leaders. We don't have co-leaders, we have 3 leaders what is enough.
At last, all members are equal, no one should have advantages others don't have, admins have more options, but this is only to manage the server and not because it's fun. You can do pretty much whatever you like in the server, so there's no need to have different levels. If someone needs money to buy a car or weapons, ask me (but because of the weird moneyscript you probably always have a lot of money, trust me, A LOT). You'll always spawn with a lot of weapons and bullets, so money for this probably isn't even needed. If you want a special car that can't be found in the server, ask me or Roach or Shady, we all can spawn vehicles. I'm the only one who can give money, so this is something that should be asked to me.
As soon as I get to speak to the scripter I will ask him to add some more different vehicles, since he isn't online last weeks because he's on holiday you can ask me or another admin to spawn Uranus or whatever car you want. The moneyproblem is already known but the scripter didn't had much time to fix it. And this guy completely made the script so it's his property, therefore he won't allow others to edit/add stuff to the script which I completely understand.
I hope this is clear enough for everyone.